Healthy Community grants are designed to connect and support organizations whose work builds on community assets or proposes ways to turn community challenges into opportunities for positive change. The grant application focuses on multi-sector collaboration, planning, and outcomes. Healthy Community Grant applications are accepted throughout the year.

Potential grantseekers are requested to complete the following steps:

Step 1


Watch the “Community Indicators” Video.

Watch Now

Step 2

Healthy Community Workshop

Learn about our grants process.

Step 3

Exploratory Meeting

Conversation with a Community Investment Officer.

Step 4

Letter of Intent

Submit a brief outline of your Healthy Community project idea.

Step 5

Invitation to Apply

When the grantseeker is ready, an application will be made available. We’ll then review your application and it will be submitted to Grants Committee and then the Board for final approval.

Healthy Community Grant Resources

Click here to access Healthy Community Grant application templates and resources.